10th Call for proposals for joint industrial research and development(R&D) projects between Germany and FranceProject applications and national funding applicationswill be accepted until 31st January 2023.
- Scope
Bpifrance, the French Public investment bank, and the BMWK, the German Federal Ministry forEconomic Affairs and Climate Action, intend to support joint German-French research anddevelopment projects (R&D projects) in order to develop innovative products, processes ortechnical services from all technology and application areas. Funding will be available for R&Dprojects in which new products, services or processes with high market potential are developedand subsequently transformed into marketable products.In Germany, funding is provided through the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM). InFrance, funding is provided through the programme ADI (Aide pour le développement del’innovation).Bpifrance and AiF Project GmbH (ZIM project management agency on behalf of the BMWK)support the applicants in the phase of submission of project proposals, in the evaluation and in theimplementation phase. The evaluation may take up to four months. - Call Structure
The call invites partners to present joint proposals for R&D projects until 31 January 2023according to the following procedures.
Webinar on the 10th call with France on Oct. 13, 2022, from 10 a.m. to approximately 11:30 a.m.
Link of German:
Link of French: