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18 October 2022 - 20 October 2022
RE-Thinking Biowaste - Virtual Workshop

Why Hauts-de-France ?

At the heart of Europe, the Hauts-de-France region combines excellence and performance in various fields such as rail and automotive industry, logistics, multimedia & IT, chemical &materials, metals & machine manufacturing and technical textiles. Among other assets of the Hauts-de-France region are: a dense and efficient transport network offering a direct access to 5 european capitals; Europe’s largest concentration of consumers; a rich and dynamic innovation and research ecosystem comprising diverse clusters, startups, research institutions, incubators and companies preparing the future.


Why Rethinking Biowaste? 

326 million tonnes of waste (municipal and commercial waste) are produced in France each year. This represents almost 5 tonnes of waste per capita per year. Moreover, 10 million tons of food are wasted each year. To tackle with this issues, the French government adopted new measures. Since February 10, 2020, a new legislation was enacted to promote a resource consumption based on a circular model: “to produce but less, to consume but better, to recycle everything that can be”. In addition, by the end of 2023, legislation requiring the sorting of biowaste at source will be implemented. In this regard, this workshop invites us to “rethink biowaste” by considering them no longer as wastes but as resources. Different solutions are possible following the nature of this bio-resource: composting, biogas conversion, biofuel conversion, material recovery, etc.

Who is HDFID ?

As a development and innovation agency, our organisation has deep knowledge of all actors of the ecosystem active in research and innovation. Our mission is to encourage economic actors to innovate through partnering with clusters, startups, academia for example but also by stimulating them to have an international ambition and to grow by increasing interactions with other european economic actors.


Who is Rev3 ?

Faced with the scarcity of resources and the fight against GHG emissions, the Hauts-de-France region has adopted a new economic and political program : « the third industrial revolution » or « Rev3 » in 2013. This programm aims at giving to the ecological factor a central place in the cycle of industrial production of wealth. In this regard, economic actors are invited to rethink the way of producing and consuming resources and to innovate, experiment, work together to reduce their emissions. As part of this regional dynamic, the « Rev3 » division of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hauts-de-France supports economic actors (industries, cities, startups, academics, etc.) in their transition to a more sustainable and responsible economic model that limits environmental impacts.


Closed since 18 October 2022
Organised by
France 30
Germany 10
Netherlands 1
Total 41